On making photography a living

Many people I know dream of making photography a full-time profession. We all have this dream of living the life of turning our passion into our profession, being able to travel at our own whim and not having to listen to a boss.
But what happens when our passion conflicts with what we are talented with? And what if we try to make our talents into a profession?
Many full-time photographers I know lose their passion for photography after making it a profession/career. Yet many photographers who have regular “day jobs” wish they could make the jump to pursue photography full-time, perhaps not aware of the full stresses that it may bring.
Know that having a day job can be a great thing in many regards. You will probably earn a steadier/higher income than being a full-time photographer, which gives you the funds to buy the equipment you need, to travel, pay for prints/framing, books, exhibitions, etc.
Not only that, but having a day job can really help you focus on your personal photography 100%. You don’t have to dilute your photography to do assignments or commissions you don’t like.
I was lucky that one can not make a living from photography, but ironically enough even I have a hard time finding time to shoot.
I am not trying to discourage anyone from making a full-time career in photography (I love it with all my heart). But if you have a day-job, don’t let that discourage you from creating great art. Know that the grass is always greener on the other side.